Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Reality Bites

And comes back way too quickly.

I had such a weekend of bliss. Friday I spent hanging around with my mom. Then Friday evening I met my friends (gave hugs all around) and we drove up to Winter Park. My friend Tracey asked us if she should bring movies or something, and we told her no. She asked, "You just sit around and talk for two and a half days?" Yep, that's the idea. And we did. All day, and half the night too! I brought a little project (With Nate and the new baggage rules there wasn't enough space for scrapbooking stuff.) and chatted with my friends all weekend long. We went out for a long walk Saturday, and it was cold and beautiful. A couple of us went hot tubbing Saturday night, but mostly we sat around the small table and talked and ate junk. Sunday we came home, I stopped to visit a couple friends houses and say hello, and then I had a great dinner my mom made--wow, I miss you mom. Then it was time to head to the airport.

The kids all did well, Ashley was playing "go out of town" this morning. Nate was only slightly traumatized about me leaving him for the weekend. Sunday evening I ran after my brother with his forgotten cell phone, and Nate put his face down on the entry rug and cried when I shut the door after me. He was so giddy and wiggly and excited yesterday when the girls were around. It was cute to see him so happy to be home. The house? Well, in the interest of being positive we won't talk about it.


Kat said...

ahhhhh I miss you already. I'm so glad you came. I promise I'll e-mail pictures SOON!

Mugs said...

Sitting around a small table talking and eating junk sounds just right to me. How fun! Little Nate crying for his mom is sad, and so cute.

Tamara said...

Sorry about the house. We tried...

Tracey said...

O.K. I have to admit it did sound a little boring, but was such a blast! I gained a little weight, but it was a great time! Cant wait to do it again!