Thursday, August 21, 2008

Livin' the Dream

Confession: I've been putting off posting this because I wanted a really great picture and I always hate pictures of me. I know, it's dumb. I so wish I had more photos of my Dad, but he was always the photographer so I don't have lots. For that reason I'm trying to be better and be in more and use more pictures of me.

Now to the real post. Happy Anniversary to us! I love Justin so much. He makes everything in my life more fun. He makes me laugh--my favorite thing about him. He is so responsible, so motivated, so determined, so persistant. This year in addition to surviving 9 years with me, he passed the fourth and final section of the CPA, all four on the first try (the percentage of people that do that is tiny), got a great promotion, and moved us into a beautiful new house. He is such a great husband and provider, I couldn't have done better. I am so grateful to have a strong and happy marriage!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Emma

Those eyes!

Emma had her eighth birthday this week. She will be baptized next month, my first child. I can't believe it. She is such a good kid. She is a straight arrow, always trying to do right and also make sure all the rest of us do, too! She is so responsible, she does what I ask without me nagging her. She takes care of her own homework, and does well in school. She is so self motivated, she taught herself to ride a bike and swim. She loves to read and I often find her at night reading in her room. (I can't tell her to stop because I did the very same thing.) She likes to surprise me by unloading the dishwasher and doing the dishes for me. Nate adores her, because she takes care of him so much. She often goes in to get him when he wakes up early in the morning. She can get him out of his crib, take him downstairs and make him a bottle. She walks him all over the house by letting him hold her fingers. He will jump ship from my arms to hers anytime. He gets super excited when she walks in the room.

She is a wild brave girl. She loves to play rough, and will try anything. I still can't believe she did that crazy rope swing we found at Jordanelle resevoir in Park City. It was a 15 foot drop! She handled it like a champ and even went back for seconds. She likes a wild tube ride behind the boat. She has loved the water since I first took her to the pool in Cali at about 5 months old. She also has had that great brown skin since that day. She gets so dark and tan. She will stay in the pool for hours and hours, and hours.

We love you Emma, we couldn't ask for a better firstborn! Happy Birthday.


I finally got some of my videos to upload and now I can't stop.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


This is why I love Justin. He makes everything more exciting.


Nate makes noise

nate is a true boy, he loves to make all kinds of noise. He imitates sounds we make, he says da da, ma ma (non-discriminately), ow (think ET), and can make the motor boat sound, and one of my favs, the tongue click.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Rock Band

We love Rock Band. We don't actually own it, but I think if I suggested going down to Best Buy to get a Wii and the game, Justin wouldn't object--budget or no.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Today was, well I don't even have the words. 107 degrees. People die, you know. We went to the pool, but it heats up so much in the hot sun that it is barely cool enough to keep you from sweating. I do love air conditioning.

In other news, I got a new assignment at church. I'm the chair for the entire stake for the Cresh Festival that they do. And I haven't even been to it! Seriously? I don't even know where to start. And I'm told (between stifled giggles) that usually people start working on this right after the last one is over. Perfect, so I'm a little behind. Before he said anything else the Bishop asked me, "How's your testimony?" That ought to be a little clue.

I have so much to blog and so little time, I take pictures, even video, and then they sit on my computer waiting for me to get back to them. Notice it is 11:30pm and Justin went to bed hours ago. I was planning on following him shortly but I started checking my friends blogs and then, well, you know what happens.