Monday, August 4, 2008


Today was, well I don't even have the words. 107 degrees. People die, you know. We went to the pool, but it heats up so much in the hot sun that it is barely cool enough to keep you from sweating. I do love air conditioning.

In other news, I got a new assignment at church. I'm the chair for the entire stake for the Cresh Festival that they do. And I haven't even been to it! Seriously? I don't even know where to start. And I'm told (between stifled giggles) that usually people start working on this right after the last one is over. Perfect, so I'm a little behind. Before he said anything else the Bishop asked me, "How's your testimony?" That ought to be a little clue.

I have so much to blog and so little time, I take pictures, even video, and then they sit on my computer waiting for me to get back to them. Notice it is 11:30pm and Justin went to bed hours ago. I was planning on following him shortly but I started checking my friends blogs and then, well, you know what happens.


Tamara said...

Whoa is us. 107 degrees. Seriously? No, it's not a joke. People have died. Frozen hot chocolate is the only remedy. Period.

Susanne said...

"Hows your testimony?" That is just a scary way to start a meeting with the Bish. Nice. I will keep you in my prayers!!

You're right... Elizabeth Lisonbee wouldn't have worked. We're still thinking! Thanks for your suggestions!

Keri said...

Katie, I'll talk to my mom and see if she has any suggestions...she is all about the cresh stuff, I think she's helped out a few times, but I'm not sure! Miss you!