Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Nate Dawg!

I remember watching my nephews love their mom and thinking I needed a son. Well, now I got one and I seriously love this kid. He is so sweet and lovable, and he lets me love him and kiss him, which I do every time I pick him up because he is so cute, and then it just makes me want to kiss him more when he lets me, leaning his head in so I can do it, but I digress.

Nate turned one on Sunday so we had a little smash for him. We ate tacos and cupcakes, and all the in town fam was there.

Nana sent a little something and I completed my assignment from her by going to Toys R Us and buying a car that makes lots of noise. Nate loved it, and cracked himself up pushing the buttons. The other kids thought it was pretty cool, too, and we had a hard time convincing them they were too big to ride.

We had to make the kids sit on the fireplace so they wouldn't maul him while he was trying out the new ride.

Bash just pretty much does what she wants so she stole a turn, and made me take her picture.

I'm so embarassed to post this video, but Justin said I had too. So let this be a lesson to all of you: no candles for the first birthday. I seriously can't believe we did this, I mean we are seasoned parents--it's not like it is our first rodeo people! I felt so bad for the little guy, he couldn't figure out what the heck was going on. He just sat there looking at us after, like you all gathered around for that? Cruel Cruel. Maybe later I'll get up the guts to post the video I took right after when we handed him the cupcake sans fire hazard and he looked at it and cried. Oh man, I owe him one! He did eventually decide to eat it, as evidenced by the frosting covered photo above!

Other notes about Nate:

He walks now, a great Frankenstein/Emperor penguin walk with his arms out in fists in front of him.

He can crawl up and down the stairs.

He says, "hiee!" and waves.

He loves his blue blankie.

He loves to eat (as if you didn't already know)

He makes the cutest faces, like my favorite the fishy face.

He is a sweet and content little guy. After the girls go to bed he often sits on the floor and plays with his toys while Justin and I watch ESPN. He rarely cries, unless of course he is hungry.

He likes to dance in the kitchen with me, if no one is looking.

Partially owing to the fact that it has been too hot to wear them and the inability to find any that fit his fat feet, he isn't a big fan of shoes. He rolls his ankles around and drags his feet when he walks when I put them on.

He sticks his tongue out when he is busy with something.

And lastly, posting video takes I am losing sleep and this post keeps getting longer as I wait for my video to upload. Does anyone know how to save those in smaller format or something?


Susanne said...

NO! He CANNOT be ONE already?!!? How did that happen? He is so cute. Happy Birthday Nate! I hope I get to meet you someday. It looks like the party was tons of fun.

Mugs said...

Happy Birthday, little Nate. He is such a sweet, vute boy. I can't believe that you had him a year ago?? That went by really fast for me! :) I love that you dance in the kitchen with him when no one is looking. No worries about the candle incident, he will laugh about it someday.

Mugs said...

I meant cute. Duh.

Keri said...

Happy birthday Nate! He looks so old in those pics!

Anonymous said...

What a cute baby boy! happy birthday Nate dog!!!!!

Katie L. said...

I can't believe I stayed up half the night and my video isn't even there! ARRG Blogging! It's a love hate relationship for me.

Tamara said...

It was the BEST party ever. I freaking love that kid. And I was there for the candle incident and I can honestly say it was nobody's fault and Nate recovered fast enough to dive into his cupcake and love it. Woo hoo!

Julie said...

I can't believe is his one!! So so cute! There is something special about a little boy to his mom......I don't like it that a girl will replace me someday. They start trying so early!! HaHa!

Michelle said...

I do love my boys too...they are fun. I have to remind myself to be grateful and not annoyed that whenever I sit down at night, Jake likes to sit right next to me (in my personal space) and Carter likes to sit on me. Carter promised me that he will still sit on my lap in high school. I'm glad you got Nate. He is adorable. I'm glad he's a fatty too...makes him all the more lovable.

Tracey said...

My sweet baby boy is one!! I dare you to post the vide. Give me some leverage so I can call CPS and get those babies back here with me :) We love and miss all of you and hate not being there for every single second of fun! Ashely's little sad face is so sweet in the back ground of Nate on the can tell she is just dying to get on it!

Julie said...

oh Katie, I am laughing and feeling so bad for Nate all at the same time! Poor little guy! I am sure you are not the first or the last to have that happen--just one of the few willing to let us all in on the funny. Poor Nate!

Jules said...

Ok, laughing OUT LOUD at the candle... and especially your comment! You are so funny. I am sure he'll laugh about it one day too! Happy Bday Nate... cute little guy! Julie

cat said...

oh my beautiful baby boy! those eyes and those cheeks. i am lovin' the last picture of his little tongue.
as for the "candle incident"... let's blame it on tammy - grabs, you up for the blame?

Michelle said...

I totally cannot believe he is one either?! Seems like just a little while ago that you were so ready for him to come out, and here it is a year later! He is so stinkin' cute. Love your fat babies!

William J. Familia said...

I have to admit that our little girl also burnt herself on the birthday candle two years ago. What great birthday memories! :-)