Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sum Sum Summertime

It is hard keeping these guys busy all day. I've tried to plan a somewhat repeating schedule. Mondays we clean, then do something fun like go for ice cream or do a craft. Wednesday we go to the AMC summer movie camp. Friday is our Friday Field Trip. And in the middle we usually have friends over or run little errands, and I try to keep up with the maintenance of the house. But even the best laid plans don't always work. This last week all three girls got strep--at different times of course. The pediatricians office already recognizes me I've been in there with all four kids every other day all week.

Still, I've had some fun times spending quality (and quantity) time with the kids. When things go smoothly it's fun to experience the family dynamics changing and growing. One of our favorite activities has been reading library books. Whenever there is a lull or I need to calm them down, I sit down and read to them. Emma loves to hang around with me and help out, and Camille and Ashley play with each other.

Coming soon: Scenery of McKinney. Don't hold your breath though, we all know how quick I am getting back to these posts!


Unknown said...

I want my girls back!!! Nate looks like he is ready to drive. He is getting so big! I'm excited to come visit. Love Grandma C

Shanna said...

You are a great mommy Kate! I really really really should be better at reading to my kiddos. Nate has already changed so much and he is so dang cute! Your community pool looks awesome! Yippee! Do you look Mexican yet? :)

Lisa said...

It's so amazing to me how Nate really looks like a boy! I mean, people mistake Sarah for a boy sometimes, and I think her face is pretty feminine, but then I realize that babies must just look like babies. But then I see Nate. Even his face spells b-o-y.

I am glad you are enjoying your summer. I am looking forward to next summer with more time off work and a busy little one year old.

Mugs said...

I want to be a Lisonbee kid!

Stephanie said...

katie, would you leave me a comment on my blog, i can only view your blog in a tiny window from julies comments, so i don't know your address. i would like to start stalking you so i don't feel so left out of the whole blog stalker thing.

Susanne said...

Your kids are so darned cute! I love Nate's big baby belly in the post below. You feeling settled into the new house and all that?? Hope you're well! The smoke around here is killing us... well, not really, but it IS killing our summer swimming plans.

Michelle said...

Your kids are way cute and growing up too fast!
I love the new look to your blog, it is totally cute.