Monday, October 15, 2007

Passing a milestone

Wow, as cute as he is I forgot how much I hate that first night home. I was up all night long, crying unreasonably for half of it, and if I didn't have good friends here I'd be dead today because somebody took Camille and Ashley until 2 pm this afternoon. I'm still alive, the first night is over, and I have lots more help scheduled for the week.


cat said...

soak it up and don't feel bad about taking advantage of it. i can't wait to hear more about him!:)

Susanne said...

every day is a milestone in a family of 6, especially with a newborn! I hope you'll keep us greedy long-distance friends updated!! Congratulations on night #1 done and gone. And prayers for long stretches of sleep on the close horizon.

Michelle said...

Keep talking lady. You are great birth control. I was just thinking that I was missing that ity-bity stage, and that I wanted another one. Now, after you have reminded me, I am re-thinking my idea.

Hope tonight goes better!

Mugs said...
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The Queen said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't know what it is about that first night home, but it's always SO awful!!! Better luck tonight!