Sunday, October 21, 2007

baby connisseur part 2

Sitting at the dinner table, talking about a surprise we had for the girls if they ate whatever healthy thing we were having that night. (The surprise was a basket of bluberry muffins, covered up with a cloth so they would eat something besides just muffins.)
Emma said she could smell them and knew what they were, but when we gave her another whiff she couldn't tell us. Camille had a go and said, "mmmmm," but also couldn't name the surprise. Basher took one sniff and said, "MUFFINS!"


Mugs said...

Blueberry muffins in a little basket with a cloth? Kate, didn't you JUST have a baby?

Ashley is so cute.

Susanne said...

That is too cute. Love it. She will be a world famous chef someday!

Katie L. said...

Yes--and I haven't cooked since. My mom made them and brought them over!

Michelle said...

HAHA!! Too cute! What a funny kiddo!!

Michelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle said...

sorry. That above deleted one is mine. It post my last one twice for some odd reason.