Saturday, October 27, 2007


Nate had his two week check-up yesterday. He has gained a little weight and is back up to his birth weight now. He is poopy EVERY time I change his diaper, and the doc said that means I have good milk. I'm hoping that will beef up the little boy so he is nice and fat. And, I'm tired.


Susanne said...

Aah. Sleep deprivation. There's nothing like it. I hope he learns night and day really soon! Glad to hear he is growing as he should.

Michelle said...

He's only up to his birth weight? Holy cow Kate...start eating some ice cream so he can pack on the pounds. If he's going to be like his coolest boy cousins (aka Jake and Carter) he's going to have to do better than that. There's nothing finer than a chubalicious baby boy...

Tamara said...

Nice and fat. Just like his Auntie Grabs. It's a proud dee for your family.

Stephanie said...

I wish I could have chubby babies like yours. No matter how much I try to fatten mine up, it just doesn't do the job. Your babies are so cute! So squeezeable! Nathan is such a cutie!

The Queen said...

Yay for poopy diapers. What?

Mugs said...

I'm ready for more Pictures! *Knife and Fork pounding*

Thompson said...

It's your long lost friend Angela. This little blog network has brought me back in touch with so many people! Your family is so darling, and I can't believe you just had your fourth baby. He is beautiful. I hardly recognized your girls. It has been so long! I hope now we can keep in touch better! Take care

Katie L. said...

It is so good to hear from you. You'll have to invite me to your blog (I assume you have one if you are a blog addict like me) or send me your current email. I'd love to see how big Ellie (right?) has gotten!