Sunday, March 7, 2010


I'm so mad. It is fast Sunday, and at the risk of being struck by lightning I'll say that I hate fast Sunday!

I struggle through lunch, feeding the kids stuff that in my desperation looks delicious, like ramen noodles and ritz crackers with processed cheese. I lay down for 10 minutes after lunch because I'm exhausted and then get up to start making dinner so we can eat early.

I spend an hour and a half putting together my shepherds pie. I doubled the recipe, but I was worried there would not be enough with everyone coming to eat with us. (Dale, his 3 kids, Tammy Adam and their daughter.)

I put the two pans in the oven, then decided to lower my oven rack so they would cook faster. I set the bigger pan on the oven door and then grabbed the rack with two hands with the smaller one still on it to move it down real quick.

You see what is coming here. The smaller pan slides off the rack and bumps into the side of the oven before tipping over and crashing on the tile floor, as I yell "____!" Nevermind that.

Now it is dinner time, I'm starving, grumpy, and facing a night of cereal after all my hard work so I can feed my guests a decent dinner. DANGIT! I feel like crawling in my bed to cry I'm so hungry and tired.


Susanne said...

So sorry Kate!! There is nothing like cooking and feeding kids on Fast Sunday. Lucky (or unlucky?) for us, we are in the 2:30 slot so I at least don't have to smell dinner in the crockpot for the last three hours before its time to eat.

cat said...

oh kate - i love you.
eat your cereal, and then to feel better take a pint of ice cream to bed.