Thursday, February 26, 2009

Soccer time is family time

Did anybody else know the side pony was coming back? Missed that one.

Check out the Coach in action. He's a natural at this, it plays to his strengths.
Cami Cam really needs this. She is so proud to be playing and loves the extra time with Dad. She is eating it up and has really been excited about it.
I have to take Bubba where he can't see Justin or he won't stay off the field. He wanders out there saying, "Bahl!" and take the girls' balls. We have to walk a ways over to the playground, and he still gravitates to and steals all the soccer balls in sight. And there are a lot, there are probably six or seven teams out there practicing.

What a night.


Tracey said...

Wait a minute.....Justin knows how to play soccer??? I love the Camille has a sport with dad, that is really good for her.

Susanne said...

What a sunset! Looks like fun. We had our first day of taking Simon to baseball practice last night and he wouldn't stay off the field either!

Michelle said...

I love that ashley's in her party dress for the occasion...and it's about time Justin coached a soccer team. Hard to believe I beat him to it...I stink at soccer!

Mary said...

Soccer and princess dresses! what a combo

Michelle said...

Pretty sunset!
Cam is getting SO big! Weren't you just preggo with her?! Time flies. And whether the side-pony is coming back or not, Em's pulls it off fabulously!