Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Last Supper

Tonight I went out for dinner with my girlfriends. It's silly, but I love saying "my girlfriends" because I'm actually proud of them. They are the most amazing group of women. I don't want to leave them behind. We have had such fun times, meeting at someone's house for lunch (these days we have so many kids around it's wild when we do this), scrapbooking in the day or at night, or our favorite--at Winter Park, celebrating birthdays by going out for dessert, trading babysitting and playdates, meeting at the park, laying by the pool, going to the pumpkin patch, even just sitting at the back of Relief Society and chatting. They have also been there for me in not so hot times, when I am frustrated with my husband and need understanding, when I'm tired and grumpy and fed up with motherhood, when I need good advice, when I'm pregnant and worn out, even when my brother and then my dad passed away, they are the best. They all have their strengths and I've learned from every one of them. I love you friends! Get those blogs started, I refuse to miss too much of your lives!


Mugs said...

A good group of girlfriends is as precious as gems! Sounds like you had the very best. I'm sure you will feel the same way about new girlfriends in Texas someday.

Shanna said...

Kate! Love you! Will miss you! Keep on bloggin' and I will too :)

Keri said...

love you! We miss you already!

gina said...

How's it going there? I want updates! Miss you!