Sunday, May 4, 2008

in limbo

I have lived out of a suitcase since--well, I don't remember really. I think it's been 3 weeks, and I'm not done yet. My mom has been so nice, but the stress of trying not to overwhelm her is getting to me. Living with us is like living with a tornado, and as usual I'm having trouble keeping up. Not to mention that single parenting is not my favorite. Justin started in Dallas on April 14th, and he has been putting in such long hours and traveling so much that I probably wouldn't have seen him much anyway, but still.

I'm saying my goodbyes slowly to favorite places and friends. Last week we went to Westlands Park, where we took Michelle and our cousins. Then Saturday we went to the Southridge Rec Center, or the "lazy river." It occured to me that since I no longer own a house in Highlands Ranch, from now on (or whenever my card stops working) I will have to pay per kid to swim there. The girls had a blast. And everytime I drive west I look out and sigh. I really will miss those mountains.

I've been reading Love and Logic parenting books to try and grasp at threads of control and keep my sanity. I've made little improvements and just today came across a trick I think will work nicely with a little attitude issue a certain child of mine is having. Anyone who knows the kids could make a very educated guess. She has been nicknamed by our family friends as "the hand grenade" because one minute you are playing with her and the next she blows up.

I'm looking forward to organizing my kitchen, and having our family whole again.


Tamara said...

Sorry it's been so rough. If it makes you feel better, when we saw Justin this weekend, all he could talk about was how fun it was to be home with you last weekend and how much he looks forward to you guys getting here.

Just keep repeating to yourself "I think I can, I think I can..." It's almost over and we're all here, poised and ready, to make your transition as seamless as possible. Party in Dallas!

Kat said...

Dumb Stupid Dallas.

Susanne said...

If I could fast for your survival of the next few weeks, I so would... know I'll be pulling for ya!!

Would you really, really break out the crochet hooks and beads for girlie socks? That would be so thrilling for me! I am starting to get excited. Its taken a while for it to sink in, plus we're waiting on a second ultrasound and praying that some excess fluid goes away... wish us luck!