Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I used to get such great naps in the afternoon--no more. I don't have any idea what happened to that time, but today I'm trying to update my blog instead.
Look at the proud Daddy--he's been waiting a long time for that boy! We blessed Nate on November 4th. Justin's parents and brother and sister came out, as well as my youngest brother and two sisters. It's so great to have family. My sister Mary came for two weeks with her baby, so we sat around lots feeding the boys. I appreciated the efforts of everybody to come support us, especially because I know it required a little sacrifice for lots of them. Here are the Lisonbee family representatives:

Nate wore the same little outfit his cousin David did. He actually kept it clean all day--that's never happened to me before!

Emma is now 7, going on 17. She is very helpful with Nate.
Camille and Ashley like to be silly.
Grammy Lisa loves babies. She was so helpful to me the first weeks after Nate was born. She picked up Emma at school every day at 4pm, then brought her home and stayed with us through dinner and helped put the kids to bed. She also provided much needed company and back up baby bouncing. She is the one who got Nate to take both a bottle and a passy. I never would have survived without her. Plus, she has such a twinkly smile :)


Mugs said...

Kate, your Emma is a pocket version of you. What gorgeous girls! And now a handsome baby boy.

Susanne said...

Totally agree with "mugs" Em looks more like you every picture I see. It works out 'cause you're so beautiful.

Anyhow, it looks like last weekend was fabulous for your family. I'm glad some of the extendeds got to come and participate in the event. We had three baby blessings last Sunday... close to the record four. I'm waiting for the Sunday its five

Nate is totally PERFECT!!! I hope I get to meet him someday!

Michelle said...

What a sweet little guy he is! And I totally love the blessing outfit, so sweet! And I also agree with mugs and Susanne, Emma sure does look like you! Gorgeous girl!

Katie L. said...

Michelle, I need to get you or Michelle Edwardson to add an initial to your screen name because I can never tell which is which! I always have to click and read the profile to figure it out.

Mugs said...

Kate, does Emma have two different colored eyes? Wowee! She is such a beauty!

cat said...

YEAH!!! more pictures, i have been waiting! it is such a happy "dee" to have the lisonbees around. i am glad that you had so much fun. and yeah for lisa for taking care of you.

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