Monday, November 26, 2007

Beautiful Girl

Yes, Emmy has two different colored eyes. One brown, one blue. When she was 1.5 or 2 she got a fleck of gold in the one eye, which slowly changed over time to be 3/4 brown. They are pretty, but it's hard to correct red eye in her photos! Click on this picture to blow it up, they look even more amazing up close!


Mugs said...

Beautiful eyes! Beautiful girl!

Tamara said...

She is just gorgeous. I have always thought her eyes were such a pretty feature!

Courtney said...

So so gorgeous, is it wrong that I'm jealous of a 7 year old?

PS I tried to send you my pictures from denver but it kept rejecting my e-mail. Send me yours because I'm not sure if I've got the right one.

Stephanie said...

She is such a pretty girl! Brandon noticed her different colored eyes yesterday for the first time while we were looking at her picture. He thought it was cool! I think they're beautiful! My art teacher in highschool had one blue eye and one brown eye and everyone just thought it was the coolest thing!

cat said...

she is SO beautiful! i just keep on thinking about her when she was a baby and how i thought that she was the most perfect thing i had ever seen. that little frown she would give just killed me!

Anonymous said...

I have eyes exactly like that, I mean exactly!! Wow, so cool!! I was self conscience of it as a little girl but now i love them, i get ton's of really cool compliments on them. Enjoy those beautiful eyes Emmy

jayne said...

My little girl millie who is 3 yrs has similar eyes to emmy's , when we take pictures of millie any flashes must come from the side otherwise it makes her eye look very dark.
She gets a lot of attention , but they are amazing to look at!!