Monday, June 11, 2007

Gone Campin'

Last weekend we went camping! Wuhoo, our first time as a family! We went to Chatfield with a few other families in our ward. The site is less than 10 miles from our house, which was nice. The weather was great and so was the company. The kids acted like old pros. They wore their old jeans, and got good and dirty for me. I wish I had taken a picture of Camille and Emma's feet Saturday when I put them in the bath, I'd never seen blacker, dirtier feet.
When we were hanging around the fire at dusk, Ashley turned to me in her camp chair and asked, "What's this mom? What's this?" I had no idea what she was talking about so I asked what and she said, "are we camping?" Like, is this all we do? She had a little suffed dog she brought and wandered around with it stuffed inside her shirt most of the night.
A couple of us brought bikes and the older ones had a ball riding around. Emma was one of a couple who had just learned and they only plowed over two little kids. It was a nice big area though, with lots of empty roads so it was a great spot for bike riding.

One of the families brought a mini house bouncer thing, and that was a big hit. The same family also had the brilliant idea to bring a bunch of glow sticks, and that is how we kept track of all the kids after dark. We plan on going again soon, it was a great weekend.


cat said...

It sounds like so much fun. We have yet to go this year, the weather here is still too random. I wish I saw those feet!:)

The Queen said...

So funny. It sounds like you had fun. Not at all what my camping experience would be like I'm sure!