Thursday, April 3, 2008

Emma's Notes

Emma is such a grown up responsible girl, sometimes I forget she is still fairly small and I'm too hard on her. She is very bright, and a great writer. She leaves notes for everyone, everywhere. Recently she put a post it on my mom's door documenting how many cows she saw in my mom's open space. It was broken down into a mother cow and baby cow count. She wrote me a hate note once because I wouldn't let her use my special "Primary" markers. This one was to her teacher while we were house hunting in Dallas. It's about getting her money in for a cow's eye dissection their class is doing.


Mugs said...

bright and adorably considerate! Haha! "Is that okay with you?....I really really don't haft to..." Doesn't surprise me at all. She is a mini Kate, the more I get to know her.

Tamara said...

Now THAT is cute!

Stephanie said...

That is SO cute! I hope you keep that forever!!! The cow's eye. lol I LOVE it!

Michelle said...

That is so stinkin' cute!
And I know what you mean when you say that you forget and are too hard on her. I do the same thing with Nathanael. I need to try harder not to do it.