We had a great birthday party for Camilly this last Sunday night. Grandma really pulled through, she did all the work because I was in Winter Park with friends until Sunday afternoon. Thanks Mom! She made a darling butterfly cake, as requested by Camille, put together a hot dog (and hamburger) dinner also by request, did most of the gift shopping and all of the wrapping, and she decorated. Camille was just beside herself with excitement!
She got a "just like me" American Girl Doll, and it really does look just like her. We made her start with the smallest gift and work her way up to the biggest, and you should have seen her nervous excited wiggling when she finally got to the doll. The box shape and size are familiar, so I think she knew what was coming!
Grandma also made cupcakes and let the girls decorate them. I don't know how she does it, cooking with the kids is not my favorite--little fingers in everything, little feet under you every time you turn around. I'm all about speed, hurry up and make the food so we can eat! Grandma lets the girls help her in the kitchen all the time, and they love it! They also love to eat their creations, or at least the good parts of them.
And this picture I just like. A little rest from the rough play they had with the balloons that were strung from the chandlier.
Happy 6th Birthday Camille!
You are an eager student, a sensitive girl, a little moody, but just precious when you get it into your head that you want to help out at home. You keep your room neat as a pin, and your little treasures organized. You have a fun laugh and love to play rough with Dad, and you are growing up way too fast for my taste!