Monday, February 11, 2008

Year-round school

Emma is at school. Camille is playing at a friend's house. Ashley is asleep on the couch in front of Polar Express, Nate is in the bassinet asleep also. The wind is blowing wild outside. I just got home from having lunch with a couple friends, and I got my sewing machine out to sew lace back onto nightgowns and cross swimsuit straps that keep falling off. Ahhhhh. I have a life back. Hooray for being on track!


Susanne said...

I'm so jealous... *sigh* Oh wait... we are still in the school record. I'm still a disaster though. Ugh.

Mugs said...

I'm genuinely jealous of your sewing skills. I remember your Mom being extremely talented in this area, as well. The night before I got married my dad asked me if I knew how to sew a loose button. I laughed and told him "not really" (I just make it up). His response..."Well, sh--". True story.

Katie L. said...

Camille, that is too funny. But how can you get through a mission without learning how to sew on a button? And I wouldn't exactly call crossing swimsuit straps talented. My mom is amazing, more even now than when she made my prom dresses in high school. She just recently made me a bunch of stuff and I love it!

Susanne said...

mugs, I'm right there with you on Kate's mom's amazing sewing skills. When we lived close together and I saw all the cute stuff she made for the girls, I asked kate if I could have her mom as mine for a while! I could be an honorary daughter, right? ;-)

Mugs said...

Totally Susanne! Kate, if a button got loose on my mission I had a female companion with me 24/7 ready and willing to serve! Nah. I do sew buttons back on, but in my own special way - ALL WRONG!

Mugs said...

And if crossing swimsuit straps isn't a talent then I'm screwed. ;)

cat said...

yeah for having more time for yourself - you deserve it!
but the country music on your playlist... hmmm :)