Wednesday, February 27, 2008

News, news, and more news:

So Justin got the job in Dallas! He got a call this morning, and when he called me I knew before he said anything because his excitement was vibrating over the phone. We don't know anything yet about his start date, so that will be news for another post.

Emma Kay, who has been having digestive problems since I started potty training her, got diagnosed with celiac disease this week. The pediatrician called me during our pancake dinner to give me the news, and then Emma had cereal for the rest of her meal. Luckily she has two aunts with the same thing, so they have already been giving me tips and good info. Looks like we have some big adjustments coming our way.

Nate Dawg, who has not slept well the last two nights straight, has a double ear infection. Whew, this has been a big week for me! I'm still reeling from all the events.


Tamara said...

Celiac is lame but my gluten free brownies are legend. And I'll hook Emma with the best non death pancakes ever invented. Nothing says love like starchy foods that won't kill you, right?

Plus, let's be honest Kate. It was written in the stars that you guys were meant to be in Dallas. This was just another sign. CAN'T WAIT TILL YOU GET HERE!

Mugs said...

Congratulations Lisonbees! On the new job. Not the Celiac disease, or the double ear infection. Bless your hearts. Especially the mom's heart! You always were doing a bunch of stuff at once, Kate.

Susanne said...

WOW. What a week! Congratulations on the job! That is so awesome. I'm jealous that you guys are moving to a new bigger, better stage of life! Poor Emma! I have some friends with Celiacs... its a tough one to live with, but I know its do-able. I'm glad you have relatives who can give you good, practical advice. Good news is that she'll be feeling better from now on and saying good-bye to all sorts of other issues that could've come up as an adult. And, poor Nate! Double-ear-infections! I imagine its been a week of emotional roller coaster for you. I'm sending you a big virtual hug!

cat said...

oh my word! what a week. congrats on the job, i am so excited for you guys. they are lucky to have justin, he is so dedicated and such a hard worker and he will 100%be a huge asset wherever he goes.
i am glad that you have great resources to help with emma, and bless poor little nathan. :(
hang in there. it is such a stressful time, but if anyone can do it - you can! love ya!

Stephanie said...

Celiac disease?? Wow! You said she has two aunts with celiac disease... I know of one of them. Who's the other? Is it a Lisonbee or does it run on your side of the family as well? Tammy will definitely be a huge help there when you guys get out here - she has tons of great recipes. Also, there's plenty of restaraunts out here that have gluten-free menus. I even just found out that Pei Wei has a gluten-free menu!! I'm starting to get the impression that celiac disease is a lot more common than people think. Crazy!

Katie L. said...

My sister Mary has it Steph. I have gotten lots of help from both of them. They have done a lot of trial and error for me and thankfully, it hasn't been bad so far. I don't think Emma is struggling with it. Occasionally she will ask me if she can eat something, and when I say no she is disappointed, but doesn't argue with me. That is a miracle, everything is an argument with that girl.

Julie said...

Katie, I found your blog from a comment on Kat's! Hope you don't care, but it will be fun to keep up with you guys with your big move. Poor Nathan, I had him during Stake Conference and I could tell he wasn't feeling all that great. He didn't want to eat, or lay down. He was so tired, he finally succumbed. That and his bottle was not hot enough! I fixed that! He is so cute, I am going to miss him!