Monday, February 18, 2008

Why Sunday is the best day

We went to church and a very nice lady in my ward stole Nate during sacrament meeting, and didn't give him back until church was over. I love our ward, there are so many nice people in it. The only bad thing is that there are so very many good people if you don't come to church early you have to sit in what my dad called "outer darkness," which is the hard cold metal chairs set up behind the benches.

We came home, ate lunch, and once the little ones were tucked in Emma Camille and I held down the couches for a rest. We all fell asleep, but I fell first. That has never happened before, to have 5 out of 6 of us asleep when it isn't night time. How loverly. I woke up to a phone call from my little bro telling me to hurry up and get to my mom's house for dinner, and after that I went to Stake Choir practice with my mom. Since we have the best director and organist in the state, it was fabulous! We are singing an arrangement of Be Still My Soul by Mack Wilberg, and I got so choked up that I couldn't sing. If you have never been a part of making music like this, you are missing out! Listening to it doesn't compare to having it all around you and being a part in it. I'm so lucky to have had such great music experiences in my life. I think my favorite verse is #2

Be still, my soul: Thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as he has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: The waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while he dwelt below.

Such a nice change from my normal life, it is rejuvenating. I think I'm ready for a new week.


Mugs said...

Sweet, Kate.

Tamara said...

I once got to sing in a performance of the Messiah and I don't know that I've ever felt power like that in my life. It was such an incredible experience for me. I loved it.

You're lucky you're SO talented so you can experience that over and over.

Stephanie said...

I listened to the arrangement... so beautiful it gave me chills! I LOVE love love Jean Sibelius. He is one of my favorite composers of the romantic period. I got to play several of his pieces for piano while studying music in College... one of my all-time fav's.

Susanne said...

What a wonderful day! I hope your week has started out as wonderful as your Sunday!

Does your stake choir director do the state choir that members have to audition for? I have an acquaintance who sings in that choir.

Anyhow, I hope my next Sunday is half as uplifting!

cat said...

sounds amazing! my sundays aren't so pretty. justin leaves 3 hours before we do and comes back about 3hours after we get home. henry yells for justin and tries to run to him every chance he gets, and the boys usually fall asleep just in time for the closing prayer. (probably tired out from fighting with each other the entire time). then i get to deal with them for the rest of the 2 hours in primary!:)
but, i am glad that you had a good one!;)

Julie said...

How lucky for me to be that nice lady who stole your baby! HE is a doll and I love to take him. Although Tracy nabbed me last Sunday and said "how did you get MY baby?" I told her you snooze, you lose! I was so sad to hear you are moving! Great opportunity for you, sad for our ward. We will miss you!