Thursday, February 14, 2008

Response to recent complaints

There you go Cat, you big baby. I rearranged my playlist. But those are great songs!


cat said...

black eyed peas? i really do love you kate! i check your blog a hundred million times and now i don't have to turn off the sound!

Tamara said...

Don't feel bad Kate. i've had my playlist boo-ed and even had to remove a song or two due to negative responses. Gosh! Some people (*cough*catorin*cough) can be SO demanding. It's a good thing we love "those" people...

Katie L. said...

Yes, it is. I have pretty broad taste in music, and I admit when I put the songs on there I wondered if anyone would hate them. I just can't. Anybody who heard my little brother belting country songs at the top of his lungs while he works would love them too!