Friday, February 15, 2008

Loving the baby

Nate is so chubby, cute and smiley. I can't help but love him. I just took him to the doctor for his shots this week, and at four months he is close to 17 lbs. He is so good natured, and unlike my other children he takes a bottle so I can escape. Another great reason to love him. He reaches for toys, although he doesn't hold them very well. He doesn't roll yet, which I like. I'm not in a rush for him to hit milestones at all. I just want him to be the baby, chubby and very sweet. He is doing a great job! He loves to talk, and likes to blow bubbles. He also loves to eat and still takes his time enjoying his meals. Every time I sit down to nurse him the exhaustion hits me and I want a nap.

In other news Justin is applying for a spot with his company in Dallas. It would be a great promotion, so we are hoping he gets it. (Although I am also secretly hoping he doesn't and I get to stay here with all my friends.) I can't decide what I want more! We have a little family down there and the houses are cheap, so I think it would be a good spot for us. He has a phone interview next Wednesday, and after that we'll see if he gets a fly out. Keep you posted.


Susanne said...

wow. He is cute and chubby like Em!! So cute. I totally hear you on not wanting any milestones reached in the near future. I feel that way about all my kids lately.

Dallas!! That would certainly be a huge change for your family! An ex of mine lives in Austin... if we come visit you, I think we'll skip that other visit ;-) I'll pray for things to go the right way!

Mugs said...

That second shot of Nate is my favorite! He looks like he's just about to giggle. Kate, that is so cool about your little pink rice krispy loaves. What a great idea! And, I also love to see it "written down".

P.S. My sister's dental practice is in Austin and she LOVES it there. I know that's not exactly Dallas, but close enough. Good luck on Justin's interview!

Kat said...

I'm just glad you have Grandma here so you'll have to come home and visit.

Ashley looks like Katie Holmes to me in that first picture. you agree?

Katie L. said...

She does a little. That is funny, I never noticed it before!

Tamara said...

Can I put in a plug for Dallas? Because, really, what will do your heart more good than watching me balloon into a fat pregnant lady. Plus, we are great babysitters, hello!

We're praying for Justin!

cat said...

nate is adorable - the perfect little squeezable baby. i am in love with him.
as for dallas...i want to protest, but since we never go to colorado anymore...
plus housing is so cheap there that it is tempting for all of us! and you will be close to grabs. :)