Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Make your own party

Happy BIG 30 to me.


j-liz said...

I just wanted to give a quick shout out to that smokin hot stick of dynamite you all know as Katie. She turned the big 3-0 today. It hasn't fazed her in the slightest. She does have has an unfair advantage that I made reference to in the title. Let's be honest, 30 has been extremely kind to her.

I'm not sure how I ever convinced her to go out with me. I must have caught her at a bare cupboards moment in college when a cheap dinner was worth sub-par company. It was either that or the fact that I abused my authority and rigged the hometeaching assignments. I am a little fuzzy on the details at this point. Whatever it was 9 years and 4 kids later I still can't believe that shes mine.

So to the adorable, intelligent and talented Katie, Happy 30th Birthdee!

Michelle said...

okay, how sweet is that Justin?!?!

Happy big 3-0 Katie! Hope you were able to get away for a bit and enjoy your day. :)

Susanne said...

I had the same thing, Michelle. Whichever Michelle just left the message. :-) Happy Belated Birthday Kate! I can't believe I forgot all about it! David wanted spaghetti and meatballs yesterday so that's what we had for his birthday dinner. I, too, hop you were able to do some true resting and relaxing for your day!

Mugs said...

Happy Birthday Kate! I hear that 50 is the new 30...um, so that must mean that 30 is the new 10. so don't feel too old.

Susanne said...

OK. I meant to say that I had the same THOUGHT as Michelle with regards to Justin's comment.

Anyhow... I was being nosy... and peeking at the Lisonbee family blog. What is this company that Justin and said partner have started? They want video work? Can we put our company on the list of contractors for work they might just get in CA?? Seriously.

OK. done being nosy and self-promoting. Hope January has been good to you so far!

cat said...

happy birthdee. 30 - man that is old! hope you got good gifts and had time to celebrate. love ya!

j-liz said...

Susanne, I'll definately put you (John) on the contractors list. We only have one video guy right now and we haven't given him very much but we just started offering it. Virtual Tours and Web Design are really what has gotten us off the ground. We hope to that video takes off too though.

Susanne said...

Thanks, J. I hope your business makes it big!

The Queen said...

Happy belated birthday Katie!

Rickterscale said...

Kate - An oldie but a goodie.