Sunday, August 29, 2010

Starting with my little man...

We all dote on him, ESPECIALLY Justin, ahem, not to name names. He actually hates baths, despite the happy face. He hates to have his hair washed, because he doesn't like getting water in his eyes.

One of the things we did this summer is go to the movie theater at the mall for the summer movie camp movies.  This day the kids conned me into staying for lunch and letting them ride on the carousel.  They are getting so big!


Laura Garner said...

I can't believe how big Nate is getting. He is adorable, as all your kids are. They seem spaced out pretty perfectly! I was actually wondering how far each of them are from each other. I guess I'm sort of thinking about that sort of thing now :)

Michelle said...

He is adorable! As all your kids are.
When the heck did they get so grown up? Emma is a mini-Katie. :)