Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Keeping up

I'm shooting for about a post per week, so far I'm doing pretty good--if only I could keep up as well with my house keeping.

Ash was well for two days and then Camille started throwing up. Luckily she has it under control and i haven't had to clean up messes. I really hope Nate doesn't get it.

Justin has a work dinner tonight, so we are having eggs for dinner and then I promised Ashley I would take her to Toys R Us to spend the gift card Nana sent for her birthday. IF she gets her room cleaned in time, of course. A tedious process of tattletelling, screaming, bossing, and whining. I'm going up to split up the jobs now so she and Camille can finish their work at their own pace. Snail's pace.


Susanne said...

ahh... snail's pace. They live here too.

cat said...

hilarious! love it.