Friday, February 12, 2010

Did you know...

That it snows in Dallas? I heard it did, but in two years I'd never seen it and didn't quite believe it. Who knew that a state that melts me at least 6 months out of 12 could also look like this:
We got about 7 or 8 inches total, but (don't laugh CO) school was cancelled.Today was supposed to be my day to catch up, clean, finish laundy, organize. Instead:

Each of the girls had a friend over (in an attempt to keep them away from my immediate area) but my diabolical plan failed and I spent the entire morning at the beck and call of seven little children who wanted to play in the snow. I hunted mittens and hats, tried to mediate fights over the two pair of boots we have, answered unending knocks at the door, put Nate on the tramp, took Nate off the tramp, got snacks, provided dry pants and socks, refit wet mittens, answered more knocks at the door, tried to keep wet boots off the carpet, made slushies, wiped up spilled juice, answered calls for Emma on MY cell phone, etc. etc. etc. They were so loud coming and going that Nate never took a nap. I took a picture of each girl with her friend.

Ashley and Meghan

Camille and Mackenzie

Emma and Abby

Now all the friends are gone, and it is still a disaster, and I'm out of here. I called a sitter and I'm going out to dinner. I'll worry about the rest tomorrow.

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