Sunday, November 1, 2009

Favorite Sunday Ever!

What is better than the magical night that you go to bed at 12:00, wake up at 8:00, and get nine hours of sleep? Snuggling with your kids in a king size bed, eating a late breakfast, having stake conference at 1:00 pm so all the girls get their hair done and I get a shower, and still get home in time to relax a while before you have to start dinner. I am a happy girl. It was such a great day.


Kristin said...

Um, we also went to bed at midnight and our stake conference was at 9 a.m. and we have no day lights savings here in Arizona... so we ditched today!!

Mugs said...

Those little things add up in a BIG way, don't they? So glad you had such a lovely Sundee (as my dad calls it).