Wednesday, September 29, 2010

They're coming!

About this time of year, when the weather turns and it's cool, the leaves start to change, and I get my fall decorations out...I feel so excited!

THE HOLIDAYS are COMING!  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday, Valentines Day...

The long drought is over.  I can't wait to spend time baking, eating, visiting with family, planning for Christmas, holiday shopping, making costumes--okay not that, but the rest is good!  It is time to eat soup, start layering clothes again, maybe even wear socks.  I love fall!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Came, and went...

I wish I knew why good times pass by quickly and bad times linger.  The weeks have dragged on, but the weekends Justin comes home fly too fast!  He came late Friday night, and we had fun all weekend doing nothing special.

Saturday morning we slept in, got up and got word of a showing for the house (Hoooray!) so we hustled to clean up and get out.  I did the inside and Justin mowed the lawn.  Then we took the kids and went for ice cream, at 10:30 am.  Braums is such a great place!

After that we went to the pool, then came home and had afternoon naps.  At least, the grown ups did.  Saturday night Justin and I left Emma in charge--thanks to my sister in law Michelle's ingenious babysitting strategy--and we went out for a quick dinner.

Sunday was business as usual, church, lunch, more naps, and chicken tacos for dinner.  But somehow, just because he was home, everything was more fun.  I miss him teasing the kids, and me, or helping out around the house.  Telling the kids to stop fighting, or to get ready for bed.  It is...just how it should be.

Nate came into our room Sunday morning, and ran right back out shouting, "DADDY'S STILL HERE!!!"  Ahh, cute kid.  I thought the same thing!  This morning we got up early and I took him back to the airport.  And tonight when the kids are in bed I'll sigh.  It's just not the same without Dad!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Other Summer Affairs

A new fire station opened less than a mile from our house.  They had an open house for the public and we went to check it out.  We got a tour of the firehouse, got to see the dorm rooms and the kitchen and lounge area.  They had four fridges!  One for each team that works there.  Also a huge professional gas stove.  And a giant flat screen TV with 6-7 reclining chairs, complete with game systems for those dull nights.
They had the trucks all out and let people climb in and on them.   The kids had a great time climbing in and out of the cab and pretending to drive.  We even got to climb into the emergency medical truck and explore.  It was cool to see all the medical supplies tucked neatly into locked cupboards for a wild ride.
They had firemen all over to answer questions and pose for pictures.
Makes you feel proud, huh?
We all had a great time.