Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Toddler Woes

Nate is such a toddler.
     Opinionated, stubborn, moody, mischievious, active, and clever.  I have more trouble with him because he is more certain of what he wants.  He has become a very picky eater--he will hardly eat any meat.  He loves cereal and any crackers, fruits, and snack foods.  He won't eat veggies.  What does a mother do about that?
     He loves to swim.  He has started telling me, with his best pout, "Mom!  House is boring!  I want to go to the pool!"
     Today I took away a cd he found in the car and he threw a little fit, crying and carrying on.  I sat down and snuggled him for a minute and he cried into my shoulder.  I asked, "Aw, what's wrong?" and he said, "I'm mad at mom!"  Then he seemed to realize who was snuggling him because he wiggled away and told me, "Mom! You're a bad boy!"

     He learned last week to climb out of his bed, and I had a fleeting glimpse of the rest of my life when I won't be swarmed with kids every minute.  I'm not ready to put him in a big boy bed, but he is almost three!
     He gets into the pantry every day and helps himself to whatever he needs, then usually brings his snack to the couch and makes a mess there.
     He and Justin have slow motion boxing matches at church, and Justin laughs when Nate hits too hard.  I don't think it's so funny!  But you have to see Nate fall over into my lap in slowmo, it makes us all irreverent!  I'll have to record him saying his name when we ask, "Nathan James Wisonbee." 

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Ohmygoodness! He is so precious! Dont ya just love little boys?! I love that he called you a "bad boy". Way too cute.