Sunday, January 24, 2010

Favorite Baby

I have three examples of why I am wrapped around Nate's finger.

#1 I curled my hair the other day and he put his chubby baby hands in the curls and said, "I like you haiw mom!"

#2 This morning when I came down in my Sunday clothes he said, "are you cute mom?" Justin called him a brown noser.

#3 Tonight when I put him to bed, I kissed his little passy mouth and planted a few on each cheek. I was getting ready to let go and he grabbed my face and planted one on me, and then one on each of my cheeks. Then when I turned to go to the door, he said, "Hug! Hug!" And gave me a big squeeze.

Now what woman can resist that? Boy am I glad I got my little boy!


Susanne said...

LOVE it!!! Happy 2010!

Emily said...

What a sweetie! You sure got a good one! I love the sweetness of little boys, especially after the sassiness my girls give me sometimes!

cat said...

no wonder he makes you melt. what a doll! he is going to be the perfect husband!:)