Monday, July 16, 2007

Thank heaven for school!

And for year-round school, for that matter. My kids started a week ago and things around here are already going a little smoother. Camille loves kindergarten, she tells everyone that she is a kindergartner. She is pretty excited that she gets her own Thursday Folder (the way they send info home from school) because she has watched Emma get one for two years now. She talks about recess a lot, that and snack time. What do you expect--she's five!

Emma also is much better behaved when she is in school. Honestly I think she just gets bored, and I don't have the time or energy to entertain her all day. She likes her new class and there are lots of kids from last year so I think she got comfortable quickly.

Now if only it wasn't so bloody hot I could happily run around and do my errands and work with only one child for the limited time I have that option. Since it is bloody hot we go to the pool or stay in air conditioned spaces--it's all I can handle.


Susanne said...

I'm so jealous. How was girls' camp?

cat said...

hot or not, you are pregnant. everything sucks when one is pregnant. i am glad that you are finally getting a semi-break now though!:)

what names are you thinking of?